3. bis 31. Juli 2010
Ann’s art quilts—made with her hand-dyed fabrics and freehand stitching—are shown in exhibitions worldwide. Her books, workshops, and lectures about dyeing and designing have been resources for fiber artists for many years. Her growing mastery of color and texture continues to produce powerful work that draws in viewers and collectors from all walks of life.
The Quilter’s Book of Design, 2nd Ed., 2008, AJ, Lake Oswego, OR
Speaking in Cloth: 6 Quilters, 6 Voices, 2006, AJ, Lake Oswego, OR
Color by Design: Paint and Print with Dye, 2001, AJ, Lake Oswego, OR
The Quilter's Book of Design, 1999, Quilt Digest Press/McGraw Hill, NY
Color by Accident: Low-Water Immersion Dyeing, 1997, AJ, Lake Oswego, OR
Dye Painting! 1992, AQS, Paducah, KY
First, Ann learned to sew, then she learned to dye fabric. In between, she earned a BA in Literature from Stanford University, and an MA Geography at the University of Oregon. She taught for the Peace Corps in Lima, Peru, raised two sons in Oregon with her husband Jim, and started quilting. Ann’s years of experimentation with dye and fabric have led to piles of quilts, worldwide travel, and numerous exhibitions and publications. Her collectors respect her viewpoint and her students admire her generosity and skill in teaching what she knows.